Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you charge?

The rate for an initial 60-minute intake is $220 and $200 for each 50-minute session thereafter. I offer a limited number of sliding scale slots based on financial need. I also provide free phone consultations to address questions and determine if we'd be a good match for working together before meeting in person.


What forms of payment do you accept?

I accept cash, check, credit card, and HSA/FSA cards.


Do you take insurance?

I do not bill health insurance directly but I am an out-of-network provider on many insurance panels. I also am a contracted provider with Lyra Healthcare and Modern Health EAPs. I can provide the necessary paperwork for you to submit for reimbursement from your insurance company.


What do I tell my child/teen about coming to counseling?

Children are often nervous and fearful of situations that are new. Explaining to children what counseling is may help them feel more comfortable at the idea of coming to therapy. I encourage you to openly talk with your child about what are their strengths and the areas they may need support in. In my experience, when parents communicate to children that counseling is not about them having something wrong, but it simply a way to alleviate some difficult feelings/situations they are dealing with, children become more open to meet and talk with me.

If your child refuses to try therapy, don't force them to come. Counseling works best with buy-in. I can still do very effective work with you by teaching you parenting skills and helping you find new ways to connect to your child. With time, they may change their mind.


Depending on your individual goals and concerns, therapy can last from a few weeks to a year or more. For therapy to be effective, I recommend that we meet on a weekly basis to begin. We may go down to meeting every other week or less as symptoms decrease. After our first few sessions, I will create an individualized treatment plan and will have a better idea of how long treatment may take. 

Therapy is your journey towards living a more fulfilling life, and the effort you put into it is instrumental in making it successful. I value your time and mine and strive to make it as efficient as possible. It may be a journey of discoveries and relief, but may also trigger difficult feelings. Whatever your journey will look like, if you are invested in it and ready to do work, I am ready to work with you.